Most of these works have an underlying theme of family connections, geneology and ancestry. Broad concepts encompasing the human family or more intimate interpretations of my immediate relations are explored. Blending these notions while utilizing the forms of common objects generate ‘Merging Metaphors’.
A recent show of work included the statement: “Certain shapes and forms have meaning. Alter the shape, the material, context and it’s essence changes as well. So it is with ladders. The language surrounding ladders may suggest lifting, ascending, rising, height etc. With those concepts one might gain elevation, find perspective, rise above, be lifted or overcome an obstacle. We rarely speak of down a ladder unless we've already been up. Chairs too are interesting… they have human characteristics, they have arms, backs, seats and legs. Chairs can portray people without the presence of an individual. Psychologically we put ourselves in or on an empty chair and thus can perceive the point of view from that position".
Building these objects on a scale proportionate to the human experience gives one entre to the works. We have a physical relationship to these things; they each carry a load, each bear our weight in a differing way, and yet very few of them have any practical function at all and thus allows one to question and engage.
Wicker Rocker Legs, Rope, Hardware
Many times I turned to the wisdom of my Grandmother. She seemed to know just what to say, as if she had pondered many things. Her simple answers to the complicated questions I worried about fequently helped soothe my youthful anxieties. Her ability to see the pattererns and rhythms of life made deep impressions upon me.
A mandala, not only as an object, but as a tool of meditiaion and insight teaches us. I’ve connected the special relationship of this grand lady and her sage counsel to that of the intelligence that comes to those who commit the time to reflect, learn and to wonder.
Vintage School Desks, Oak, Hardware
When learning and repetition becomes intelligence and wisdom one’s point-of-view is often changed. With higher elevation, a broader vision is available, along with a change in perspective.
Plywood, Steel, Paint, Hardware
75" x 75" x 22”
An extention ladder is a two-part object that when extended can reach a higher level that alone each indivdual element could not. Working in connection with the other they become more than they could on their own.
This object Is an extention ladder made in a half circle. When extended it connects to itself in a complete circle with overlapping parts.
This object is a representtation of my wife and me. We are in many ways opposites. The things that are important to us connect us and the things that we differ on rounds us out thus completeing the gaps each have and supporting the other in areas we lack. Color, texture and connections are also clues reagrding our relationship.
Restaurant Chairs, Hardware
130" x 20" x 132"
While pondering the idea of standing of the shoulders of my fore-bearers, I came across laborers prepping the forms to build and arch. Merging these thoughts generated this piece.
Tree Branches, Dyed Oak Leaves, Burlap, Brass, Wire
Umbrella Clause is a legal term used to protects one’s investments and are broadly written to cover every concievable circumstance.
A family tree often is expressed as a huge object and we, individually, as a small element of a much larger whole. This family tree/umbrella has many braches grafted onto it. Each is wrapped to protect the fragile grafting and identifed by a brass tag with wedding anniversaries of my direct descendants back five generations. There is this notion that those who have gone before us watch over, guide and protect us in the things we do. So I hold onto my small section of tree and use their examples of strength and convitction as protection.
Oak, Tea
Dreamer’s Dream is an interprtation of The Old Testament Dream of Jacobs Ladder. Jacob was promised an inheritance with conditions. That inheritance included land, prestige, and favor. These promises extended to his sons and all their future families.
The double-helix is recognized as the symbol of a genetic system which conveys information not only of who we are individually, but where we came from. This symbol is combined with the concept of a handrail that can guide and stabilize us if followed.
Oak edge veneer, Sinew, Tea.
13” x 16” x 96”
Eve, from the Old Testament story, was created from a rib. Old sea vessels too were built around ribs to generate their form. They both carry precious cargo, have feminine personnas and their wake ripples outward like a geneology family chart. This boat form is in the shape of a woman with her hands over her head as if gliding through the water. Her form has yet to recieve her skin. Maiden is often associated with youth, innocence and virtue. Thus Eve as the first woman, being outfitted for her journey, is preparing for her maiden voyage.
Altered found objects.
Dimensions vary.
Hydrocal, Salt, Metal leaf.
Individual Casting - 4" x 4" x 1"+/-, Height of each casting is hung unique to the individual's belly-button measurement.
A navel is a small scar each of us carry. If considered, it reminds one of their origins. This unique physical connection of a mother to her daughter, and then to her daughter, etc. creates and accumulates as each mother bears her female offspring.
As the mother of 5 sons, this physical connection to many generations of mothers before her ended with us.
These are direct castings of navels, and thus, are reversed as if from the interior. Gold leafing implies nobility.
Pine, paint, hardware.
68" x 38" x 22"
Pine, Leaves, Stain, Maple.
163" x 144" x 144"
Both ladders and trees can be climbed. Combining the imagery, this tree is comprised of ladders assembled from tree stakes. Three ladders imply a trunk and branch off to another three etc. At each junction rungs are lost and angles become more natural. A ring of fallen leaves surround the base. They represent those that have gone before us. Its is compelling and inspiring to search and find life information and stories of those who has come before us.
Found objects, Oak.
126' x 22" x 64"
Keys, Solder.
Approximately 4”-6”. DImensions vary.
Keys and Snowflakes carry similar connetations of individuality. Yet in large quantities this feature is lost.
These key-flakes are prototypes for an installation in which 20- 30 key flakes are suspended between large non-parallel mirrors that viewers can walk through. Upon entering, a viewer sees only the mirror-multiplied field of key-flakes. Nearing the back third one can turn around and the viewer are multiplied along with the keys.
Notions of individuality, singularity, uniqueness are juxtaposed against multiplicity, profusion and abundance.
14' x 24" x 8".
Black glass sandblasting media, Glass Funnels, Aluminum, Motion Sensor, Produced Sound.
Height varies x 3" x 18"
Material selection specific to each individual.
Great-Grandfather: Acid-etched Copper, Nails. 12”x12”x2”.
Grandmother: Wood, Butter, Wax, Tatted handkerchief. 8”x6”x6”.
Mother: Soil. Work Glove, Wire, Plant. 14”x9”x4”.
Hands have been decribes as “Secondary-Portraiture”. Each set are individual and carry information that can be descrptive regarding one’s life and actvities. These portraits are interpretations of three generations of hands using materials unique to a story or characteristic to them
Baltic Birch plywood, Hardware.
Varies x 22" x Varies.
As small disagreements accumulate, the barrier between two individuals rises and the distance between them increases as they sit back to back.
Oak, Teak, Brass.
Varies x 8" x 8"
Oak, Bronze, Mechanism.
12" x 10" x 10"
Chair gently rocks as handle is cranked.
Individual element 24" x 3" x .5".
Wax, Pigment, Wick.
Misc.wood, Chair Parts, Bed sheets.
40" x 36" x 78"
Alder, Teak.
36" x 5" x 9"
Bronze, Teak.
16" x 1.5" x 1.5"
Bronze, Teak.
9" x 3" x 5"
Alpine Backpack, Braided Muslin, Tea.
120" x 22" x 600"
8" x 4" x 3"
18" x 20" x 4"
Pine, Stain.